Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Tuesday Musings...reminded me of A nice gentleman named Bear...

Recollections of August 12, 2010 Journal Notes:


 Of bears and grumpies...
There is None Like Mr. Bear
"If you don't open your arms to possibilities,
You'll forever be stuck in a world of impossibilities" (D.Cabanas)

Mother Nature always sends messengers of Brotherly Hope and Love
And sometimes through the kindness of perfect strangers
Like Mr. Bear...

When You're Connected To the Earth,
Even the trees will tell you their stories.

In that brief moment, I came to know
Who my real brothers were....
For YOU, Mr. BEar...Zoom...zooming
Around Cabbagetown

Nice folks like you that make the world go round
Made me smile...
RiverDale...such a nice, enchanting place to Be...

Where people are people
And each day is always a blessing
Simply knowing BEARs, grumpy or not,
Makes me thankful that once I ran into You
And Gave Me such A good piece of Advice...

And I never forget a kindness..Salut to YOU Erik the Bear...
Keep zooming. ZOOM..ZOOM...

Big Hugs!