Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A child, a woman, a human being...the metamorphosis...

Something's come up...i have my thinking hat on...catch up with the world always have something to do with current global of finance, stock, corporate and SEC rules and regs...which is complete BS!!! anyone notice it's starting to fail???

i worked for 3  financial companies...the 3rd one was the last straw....i walked and did not come back for i have lost my "cool" - the industry have made me an angry person. the job they wanted me to do was impossible for a person to required the tech support that was tantamount in making the work seamless but it never came in spite of countless requests and e-mails...a friend is currently on stress leave being treated like a piece of rag by her boss - need i say more?
these are the effects of working in an environment where the burden of work is placed heavily on the lower-strata employee while the higher ups are busy filing their shiny fingernails or intentionally giving a worker a bad review or a hard time just  because you don't like them personally...
i felt like i was back in the days of DOS and WordStar. I didn't understand why in a world that claims to have high technology..they required me as a personal maid to clean up after the companies' paper trails... no one  was willing enough to tackle a filing system that worked except for me - i didn't understand how such a menial procedure is given so much complication.
 how about applying KISS - (keep it short and simple).. starting with your own alphabets A to Z and go from much to keep safe with all  legal documentations and securities...
for any losses it was blamed on the lower staff - the "scapegoats" of a sick society drowning in greed and power.
What would you do if they told you that all systems went down and you cannot access your holdings as it is electronically-held...plain and simple guys...they will wash their hands of it for the evidence has been wiped out.
Connect the dots together... i continue to be a shareholder because i don't want the massive layoffs that could happen should the markets crash - i have no problems paying taxes as long as its appropriated in the right channels not in the pockets of high-flying executives.
This world is a high-stress job and now i understand why - a piece of your soul keeps getting shattered with the internal knowledge that something is wrong with this picture...
everyone was hooked on what others will call the sins of the flesh: cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs designed to make you confused even more...wake your eyes...see the world for what it really is and build foundations from there. a warrior does not go to battle without as so much as a little knife for a weapon...
That world still exists now just look at the current news and events...hell on earth,  these very companies and financial institutions would have their clients believe that their tech system is the best in transfer expediency....and yet  they fail to provide the provisions that is by law a requirement for a worker to function properly...a safe environment where it's human components are given the same care when a laptop or PC breaks down or that world they will flag you as "going crazy"...and make you the butt of their jokes...
To this I'm not afraid to say:" I'm sorry but i will not sell my "soul" and "ethics" for money...I value and love myself to recognize when an environment has become "unsafe" for me.
i would much rather till the soil and enjoy the fruits of my own labour, enjoying the warm sun as it beats down my back, smiling and whistling a happy tune than work for an entity who enslaves and does not enable the rest of the human race to grow.
everyone was too busy going on-line looking at the internet's latest fashion trends or star gossip...or who's the next person to pick on and make fun of because they look a certain way...the social climbers that bully you to convince themselves that they're special... all the lies they tell you just to get you to spread your legs...since when did women become a bargaining commodity ruled and run by a male-dominated world - history books will give you the answer...
still it exists..the emancipation of all humans not just women for the benefit of the few that sits in power.
it abounds...go outside in your neighbourhood...the streets alone are filled with these lost children looking for's so easy for us to look the other way and ignore a homeless person on the street  - have you ever tried talking to them and find out what led them to end up in a situation where they have no roofs over their head?
most often than not this is what most of us do....we get back to our own safe cocoons of reality and pretend that everything is ok, even a smile nowadays is such an effort for most people - the level of distrust...the judgments meted by ignorance for they don't know any better... we run away from responsibilities and burden our own brothers and sisters with the drama of how miserable our lives are and therefore can't count on them to assist you in times of need...we are taught to abandon our elders and leave them in nursing homes...
- i would love to call their bluff...remember the warning: Shareholders absolutely true..the proof is on your tax records, financial statements...look closely and read the fine print....and now come back to me and tell me this is not so.
If you look at the issued and outstanding on the TSX and TSXV exchange it was my duty to ensure proper appellations and legalities were observed under the market rules...completely aware that all of us are bound by privacy and confidentiality issues that bind us from ever speaking the truth. How many of us have suffered in silence?
- knowing that these are still current horrors that we have to endure...i understood what they were going through and tried to ease their pain and at the same time looking to provide a solution. if you try and go against the system - you are labelled and tagged for removal.
 i myself have been the subject of workplace discrimination and racial slurs even from my own kind, the insults and side-comments, innuendos and cryptic messages they think I'm not picking up on just because I'm not from here.
This should not exist in a professional environment...if you're stupid and have good will go far up the executive ladder...just open your legs and bat your eyelashes, honey, and all will be well...the emancipation of women in the workplace...just look pretty and don't speak. So we try and comfort ourselves with fashion, makeup, all this needless stupidity that makes you look like a clown.
The seeds of doubt and mistrust have planted itself in my heart and chose to spend my time studying the inner workings that represent a the money wheel.
the more I learned and processed i started to question the very entities that was handling my money, your money and the rest of the world's day i found out a certain foreign company was desecrating a sacred site somewhere in the Philippines.
i knew that it's wrong and the more i looked into it the more i realized this is not part of the agreement that i signed when they hired me - when i signed my name on that agreement  it was with trust that all of us are working together for improving the system and strengthening other  world economies.  I believed that they knew what they were doing, after all they have all this business accollades and merits posted on their walls. i believed that i  can make a difference and bring about good change in the innerworkings of the finance world..Surprise- it's like little David taking on Goliath!!!
I decided to leave and speak for the ones that don't have a voice...the brave men and women who still continue to give hope to their own families near or abroad. The brave ones that sacrifice their own happiness to better themselves and help the few that their little wages can afford.Social studies means interacting with all types - no discrimination, no colours, no religion, no slurs...
Actions speak louder than words and perhaps if we can show them that it works the rest of the world will follow suit for the benefits on mankind far outweighs the needs of the elite few.
We can transition into a world where there are no barriers and there are no borders...simply all of us co-existing without war, famine, hunger and suffering and sharing technology that doesn't create war but provides refuge and comfort in the form of alternative energy sources.
i suggest you look into how immigrants, the homeless, the poor are being treated, better yet, try and live like they do... have conversations with family members, friends and your community and talk about issues that matter..
makes me cry because it's all over the's the elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss...the social discrimination...the certain"clicks" and "circles" that the artificial world enforces with their fake reality of implants and plastic surgery.
the destruction these investment companies wreak on other countries all in the guise of "change" country alone for over 400 years have been subjected to this type of emancipation, and yet we allow others to plunder and pillage our forests, our women shipped off to different countries to provide food...all for the sake of what...the advantage of the few...
education was not meant to be a tool to emancipate or push down the poor or the needy even more.  isn't the reason that we go to school is to learn so we can develop into our utmost potentials??? and raise the dignity of others?
..who am i, and who are we to put on "airs"  when our own shit stinks the same?
prejudice is rampant even on the most basic of units i.e family..friends, language barriers....tribal divisions. i have been personally insulted by family just because i will not adhere to their expectations of what a "woman" should be - meek and quiet and not supposed to speak her mind.....a slave to her husband...and never you mind what her needs are....or let's not tllk about  the issues of how a woman's  husband is off screwing someone else when the money can be used to uplift his own children, provide food and electricity... but instead chooses to spend with wine, feasting and women? I don't want to live my life like that..and i'm certain you wouldn't want to see that...growing up as a child.
That's what i fight for - i grew up in a household that my Mother created with her bare hands in love....

i'm truly blessed to be her daughter...i watched her through the eyes of a child...wee hours in the morning...sewing...making dresses...creating bags and wallets, all to provide a safe haven for myself and my younger sister. She made sacrifices to  make ends meet...i saw her loneliness that was never comforted by a husband who seemed bent on crucifying and destroying her very essence. If not me, who will protect Her from the jaws of a society that threatens to annihilate what she signifies...Unconditional Love...
Such is the irony of life, the universe and it's inhabitants...breathe...tomorrow is another day...all of us are captains of our own ships..hope I see you in the seas as we travel towards that Land of Peace and Prosperity
Namashte, everyone.

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