Friday, September 3, 2010

Kenpachi - Homage

Zaraki Kenpachi - one of the characters in "BLEACH". Highly suggest and recommend it if you're into anime and comic books. Awesome characters and intricate plots. Beautiful lines and each have their own uniqueness -  have a lot of respect for the artists that created them.

This time I used the usual Stabilo finepoint coloured pens then acrylic paint on beige-coloured cartolina just to see what effect it would give the type of paper I'm using, once it dries.

Needless to say, this is the end result. I was trying to bring out his rough personality through the expression on his face.

Hope I did his character justice, what  do you think? DC

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Zaraki Kenpachi! My Favorite!