Thursday, August 1, 2013

Reverse Psyche-ology

Stuck in between, perhaps not...
How many sides do we have?
And how many hats do we put on?
Every second,
Every minute,
Every hour...

Yesteryears, can be presentyears
And presentyears can be futureyears...
Stumble and fall might I
But still I can pick up
I can still stand, I can still function
Sines, secants, tangents
Reverse it all
To create a haiku...

Rain falls...
A blessing...
Bleeding colours
A creation...

Dewdrops falls,
A kissing
Not like before

Flowers calls
The blooming
I was here before
A realization...

Dance with me
And let us smile
Merge with me
And let us stay awhile...

For you,
A blue bayou,
Me and you
In the blue bayou...

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Horizon

I tumbled into the sea of confusion
To find myself floating...floating in a water of chaos
Chaos that struck my heart with dread and despair
Of what the future will bring
The future which is neither near or far
Just ahead towards the horizon
What struck me the most
In my haze of confusion
Was that ray of light
That ray of hope
That if I swim hard enough
And paddle my way across the murky water of chaos
I will eventually reach that horizon
Where the sun rises and sets
And finally bask in the warmth of the sun
For then I would have arrived at the future...
And who knows what's beyond the future
Once we reach it?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Heart Within

       if we all look inside, don't we all have hearts that beat
       if we close our eyes, do we not see the same dark
       if we breathe, do we not bleed the same?
                            so what's the difference?

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Tuesday Musings...reminded me of A nice gentleman named Bear...

Recollections of August 12, 2010 Journal Notes:


 Of bears and grumpies...
There is None Like Mr. Bear
"If you don't open your arms to possibilities,
You'll forever be stuck in a world of impossibilities" (D.Cabanas)

Mother Nature always sends messengers of Brotherly Hope and Love
And sometimes through the kindness of perfect strangers
Like Mr. Bear...

When You're Connected To the Earth,
Even the trees will tell you their stories.

In that brief moment, I came to know
Who my real brothers were....
For YOU, Mr. BEar...Zoom...zooming
Around Cabbagetown

Nice folks like you that make the world go round
Made me smile...
RiverDale...such a nice, enchanting place to Be...

Where people are people
And each day is always a blessing
Simply knowing BEARs, grumpy or not,
Makes me thankful that once I ran into You
And Gave Me such A good piece of Advice...

And I never forget a kindness..Salut to YOU Erik the Bear...
Keep zooming. ZOOM..ZOOM...

Big Hugs!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Experimenting on Wood Painting - Plan to Hang This On Living Room Wall and Create Deadcat Gallery With Library of Books Collected - and I will be publishing articles about various topics and points of interests in the days to come...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Since I couldn't come home on August 30th, 2010
and attend my grandfather's funeral personally
I decided to offer my prayers and meditations in an open field.
Remembering the traditions of honouring our ancestors,
And also to say my personal goodbye to my Lolo (Grandfather) -
I sat on a grassy field over-looking the city 
that have blessed me much with her wisdom.

Moments like the mind...just breathe....

When I stare out at the wide expanse of space above me
...and the city below....that wonderful things happen....
Yellow butterflies fly around....
Monarchs play with the dandelions...
Dragonflies chase each other in mid-air....

I watched the clouds dance with the sun....
the interplay of light and dark....
the city below...Toronto the good...
light rays and beams shining down this magical place of Gathering...
In this moment...I saw the face of my grandfather in my mind....
He was telling me...Look Above, Child....

In physical form I may no longer exist...
But yet Spirit lives on to be One with the Creator
From nothing came out something...., death and rebirth...
Somewhere a baby is growth
The cycle is complete.....celebrate life 
And walk in love, peace and compassion...
Photo: Donna Cabanas August 30, 2010
Mt. Banahaw - Hermitanyo - Wings - Diwata ng Kagubatan (Maria Maquiling)
Connect the dots time

Namashte serves it purposes. I'm preparing new digs for my new "sanctuary"....

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Aug 01, 2010  - couldn't help smiling when I spotted this on one of the park benches.     
All belong in the same family - Aug 15/2010

I remember sketching this a few years back circa 2008  -- still don't know who the female is - perhaps anime fans can help me identify from what animation this came from - I was so fascinated with the picture - so peaceful the longer I look at it that i almost want to add the missing portions around it.     

The Written Text: 
Below is my version of "Being in the Light" as witnessed by Big Momma (Nikon DSLR). Reminds me of "Beam Me Up, Scottie!!!"   

Walking With the Light - Aug 16/2010 Donna Cabanas

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A child, a woman, a human being...the metamorphosis...

Something's come up...i have my thinking hat on...catch up with the world always have something to do with current global of finance, stock, corporate and SEC rules and regs...which is complete BS!!! anyone notice it's starting to fail???

i worked for 3  financial companies...the 3rd one was the last straw....i walked and did not come back for i have lost my "cool" - the industry have made me an angry person. the job they wanted me to do was impossible for a person to required the tech support that was tantamount in making the work seamless but it never came in spite of countless requests and e-mails...a friend is currently on stress leave being treated like a piece of rag by her boss - need i say more?
these are the effects of working in an environment where the burden of work is placed heavily on the lower-strata employee while the higher ups are busy filing their shiny fingernails or intentionally giving a worker a bad review or a hard time just  because you don't like them personally...
i felt like i was back in the days of DOS and WordStar. I didn't understand why in a world that claims to have high technology..they required me as a personal maid to clean up after the companies' paper trails... no one  was willing enough to tackle a filing system that worked except for me - i didn't understand how such a menial procedure is given so much complication.
 how about applying KISS - (keep it short and simple).. starting with your own alphabets A to Z and go from much to keep safe with all  legal documentations and securities...
for any losses it was blamed on the lower staff - the "scapegoats" of a sick society drowning in greed and power.
What would you do if they told you that all systems went down and you cannot access your holdings as it is electronically-held...plain and simple guys...they will wash their hands of it for the evidence has been wiped out.
Connect the dots together... i continue to be a shareholder because i don't want the massive layoffs that could happen should the markets crash - i have no problems paying taxes as long as its appropriated in the right channels not in the pockets of high-flying executives.
This world is a high-stress job and now i understand why - a piece of your soul keeps getting shattered with the internal knowledge that something is wrong with this picture...
everyone was hooked on what others will call the sins of the flesh: cigarettes, alcohol, prescription drugs designed to make you confused even more...wake your eyes...see the world for what it really is and build foundations from there. a warrior does not go to battle without as so much as a little knife for a weapon...
That world still exists now just look at the current news and events...hell on earth,  these very companies and financial institutions would have their clients believe that their tech system is the best in transfer expediency....and yet  they fail to provide the provisions that is by law a requirement for a worker to function properly...a safe environment where it's human components are given the same care when a laptop or PC breaks down or that world they will flag you as "going crazy"...and make you the butt of their jokes...
To this I'm not afraid to say:" I'm sorry but i will not sell my "soul" and "ethics" for money...I value and love myself to recognize when an environment has become "unsafe" for me.
i would much rather till the soil and enjoy the fruits of my own labour, enjoying the warm sun as it beats down my back, smiling and whistling a happy tune than work for an entity who enslaves and does not enable the rest of the human race to grow.
everyone was too busy going on-line looking at the internet's latest fashion trends or star gossip...or who's the next person to pick on and make fun of because they look a certain way...the social climbers that bully you to convince themselves that they're special... all the lies they tell you just to get you to spread your legs...since when did women become a bargaining commodity ruled and run by a male-dominated world - history books will give you the answer...
still it exists..the emancipation of all humans not just women for the benefit of the few that sits in power.
it abounds...go outside in your neighbourhood...the streets alone are filled with these lost children looking for's so easy for us to look the other way and ignore a homeless person on the street  - have you ever tried talking to them and find out what led them to end up in a situation where they have no roofs over their head?
most often than not this is what most of us do....we get back to our own safe cocoons of reality and pretend that everything is ok, even a smile nowadays is such an effort for most people - the level of distrust...the judgments meted by ignorance for they don't know any better... we run away from responsibilities and burden our own brothers and sisters with the drama of how miserable our lives are and therefore can't count on them to assist you in times of need...we are taught to abandon our elders and leave them in nursing homes...
- i would love to call their bluff...remember the warning: Shareholders absolutely true..the proof is on your tax records, financial statements...look closely and read the fine print....and now come back to me and tell me this is not so.
If you look at the issued and outstanding on the TSX and TSXV exchange it was my duty to ensure proper appellations and legalities were observed under the market rules...completely aware that all of us are bound by privacy and confidentiality issues that bind us from ever speaking the truth. How many of us have suffered in silence?
- knowing that these are still current horrors that we have to endure...i understood what they were going through and tried to ease their pain and at the same time looking to provide a solution. if you try and go against the system - you are labelled and tagged for removal.
 i myself have been the subject of workplace discrimination and racial slurs even from my own kind, the insults and side-comments, innuendos and cryptic messages they think I'm not picking up on just because I'm not from here.
This should not exist in a professional environment...if you're stupid and have good will go far up the executive ladder...just open your legs and bat your eyelashes, honey, and all will be well...the emancipation of women in the workplace...just look pretty and don't speak. So we try and comfort ourselves with fashion, makeup, all this needless stupidity that makes you look like a clown.
The seeds of doubt and mistrust have planted itself in my heart and chose to spend my time studying the inner workings that represent a the money wheel.
the more I learned and processed i started to question the very entities that was handling my money, your money and the rest of the world's day i found out a certain foreign company was desecrating a sacred site somewhere in the Philippines.
i knew that it's wrong and the more i looked into it the more i realized this is not part of the agreement that i signed when they hired me - when i signed my name on that agreement  it was with trust that all of us are working together for improving the system and strengthening other  world economies.  I believed that they knew what they were doing, after all they have all this business accollades and merits posted on their walls. i believed that i  can make a difference and bring about good change in the innerworkings of the finance world..Surprise- it's like little David taking on Goliath!!!
I decided to leave and speak for the ones that don't have a voice...the brave men and women who still continue to give hope to their own families near or abroad. The brave ones that sacrifice their own happiness to better themselves and help the few that their little wages can afford.Social studies means interacting with all types - no discrimination, no colours, no religion, no slurs...
Actions speak louder than words and perhaps if we can show them that it works the rest of the world will follow suit for the benefits on mankind far outweighs the needs of the elite few.
We can transition into a world where there are no barriers and there are no borders...simply all of us co-existing without war, famine, hunger and suffering and sharing technology that doesn't create war but provides refuge and comfort in the form of alternative energy sources.
i suggest you look into how immigrants, the homeless, the poor are being treated, better yet, try and live like they do... have conversations with family members, friends and your community and talk about issues that matter..
makes me cry because it's all over the's the elephant in the room that no one wants to discuss...the social discrimination...the certain"clicks" and "circles" that the artificial world enforces with their fake reality of implants and plastic surgery.
the destruction these investment companies wreak on other countries all in the guise of "change" country alone for over 400 years have been subjected to this type of emancipation, and yet we allow others to plunder and pillage our forests, our women shipped off to different countries to provide food...all for the sake of what...the advantage of the few...
education was not meant to be a tool to emancipate or push down the poor or the needy even more.  isn't the reason that we go to school is to learn so we can develop into our utmost potentials??? and raise the dignity of others?
..who am i, and who are we to put on "airs"  when our own shit stinks the same?
prejudice is rampant even on the most basic of units i.e family..friends, language barriers....tribal divisions. i have been personally insulted by family just because i will not adhere to their expectations of what a "woman" should be - meek and quiet and not supposed to speak her mind.....a slave to her husband...and never you mind what her needs are....or let's not tllk about  the issues of how a woman's  husband is off screwing someone else when the money can be used to uplift his own children, provide food and electricity... but instead chooses to spend with wine, feasting and women? I don't want to live my life like that..and i'm certain you wouldn't want to see that...growing up as a child.
That's what i fight for - i grew up in a household that my Mother created with her bare hands in love....

i'm truly blessed to be her daughter...i watched her through the eyes of a child...wee hours in the morning...sewing...making dresses...creating bags and wallets, all to provide a safe haven for myself and my younger sister. She made sacrifices to  make ends meet...i saw her loneliness that was never comforted by a husband who seemed bent on crucifying and destroying her very essence. If not me, who will protect Her from the jaws of a society that threatens to annihilate what she signifies...Unconditional Love...
Such is the irony of life, the universe and it's inhabitants...breathe...tomorrow is another day...all of us are captains of our own ships..hope I see you in the seas as we travel towards that Land of Peace and Prosperity
Namashte, everyone.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lesson of the Day: Pay It Forward

Monday, September 20, 2010
09:01:01 PM

Journal log for events of the day:

A day in the Life of Deadcat8843

The clock struck 8:45AM, the digital redness blaring through the blurry vision that were my eyes...
tick-tock..wake up time!!! I opened my lids slowly to the light streaming across a southern window. 

Flashing, like a beacon...

Little did I know that the events of the day would be blessed with "human angels" that would reunite me with a lost treasure so dear to my heart...

My magical sword, my familiar, my Katana Yuki...bearing the insignia of a Maple Leaf (peacekeepers...) - trusted companion and sidekick as we take our walks through the lovely nooks and crannies of this magical place called Riverdale in Cabbagetown... probably have seen me with my dog walking along the paths,  listening to Battlestar Galactica and Where The Wild Things Are soundtrack...most I take each step...sitting somewhere quietly appreciating the wonderful ways that us humans are blessed with the ability to appreciate a landscape, a flower, the laughter of children, and wonderful smart creatures called dogs.

I see a lot of friendly folks, happy, smiling neighbours that help each's as if this piece of land were sending good waves around the people that explore or visit it- steeped in multi-culturalism that everybody celebrates and proud to say these people are actually making a difference... providing answers to sustainable and green living...much like what  our folks back home are doing...

.all for the same cause...uplifting and providing solutions to the needS of the community and pave the way for a better future...and then some...

Balcony view of Toronto Skies

The mantra that I kept repeating was "OM MANI PADME HUM" the Sunday I was at the Cabbagetown Festival and was taking a picture of this - jokingly I said to my partner - I think I just got some blessing from this deity. 

- not to worry - all things will fall into place when I said the "service"  will manifest itself.  For the ones smart enough to figure out the riddles of absolutely makes me love life even more...

Original Artwork - DCabanas Watercolour on Bond Paper


I recall sending my friend Jaime this long e-mail...pouring my guts out and would like to share this with all of you... the kindness of these three strangers as my way of acknowledging and saying my heartfelt "thank you!!!"...

To give thanks to the  real heroes that  are all about action, providing solutions and not for selfish reasons - (after all, look at who made the awesome film Scott Pilgrim and game of the same name) there you are my friends....confessions of Deadcat8843 are "zingers" and reflections of own personal adventures...and that others may begets love... 

Dakini - Original Art by Donna Cabanas

Character study for Autumn Fairy - Kingdom Plantaea is a book about fairies I'm currently working on...

Below is the actual e-mail that I sent my friend Jaime last week:

to jaime
date Wed, Sep 15, 2010 at 2:04 PM
subject Re: DC8843 system overdrive

details Sep 15 (6 days ago)

hey, thanks for helping me get back a semblance of myself. you have helped immensely last night - just got back from riverdale hoping to find my dog and posted a few signs - thought i was ok but the dizzy spells started as soon as i got outside. managed to eat the leftovers from last night - so don't worry - i'm eating. the tiredness will not go away much as I would like to - my illness is "deep-rooted" and that's why i've had to resort to finding help online.

there have been major turning points in my life that i know i was being tested. Life has been my Teacher, my Guru, and that's why I never turned anyone away. It's not for me to judge what other people's intentions are but let them see the truth if I could only touch their hearts and Katana is a part of that circle. She is safe - I know that much - and I love all humans regardless, the lesson of forgiveness and sacrifice rings true. We will find her, I just have to wait until the right time comes.

take heart that the lessons in life are the most valuable ones - that's why money never mattered to me, i was able to accomplish so many things while i was by myself alone in a different land. i studied, interacted, learned, exposed myself to all the myriads of colours that i see in people's hearts.

i'm not sure if you've heard of women having the sight, as i've said before at the age of 3 i knew i did not belong to my current family although i'm related to them by blood. i've always have had visions of  a red haired woman coming out of an ancient looking tree...dreams of tall glowing beings giving me 3 keys with diff. coloured gems. the visions i tried to describe through fantasy or fiction writing...the 3 books that i've been trying to finish have been dreams and visions...the reasons for me being weak in physical form is also a side effect from recent earth changes. i'm starting to find people that i can  compare notes and dates of when i "see" or when i started sketching women...and why I've always referred to Toronto as the "Crysal City" - as i've said before life has a funny way of explaining to me the reason why i kept putting dates and times on my artworks or any writing - it was almost as if I knew that by keeping them - they were going to provide "proof" for me to show the Others -and when I meet them finally, the rest will be history.

It gives me comfort to find out that I'm really not alone, that there are the Others like your friend...or goodness through people that the work is revealed. I'm slowly being connected to other people who share the same path - look at you and me!!!
Your friend Donna is on her way to Enlightenment...remember what I said...I will walk barefoot and live in the wild just to show mankind that there is another alternative.
A better future for all of us without destroying Mother Earth...Dalai Lama have always stressed Love, Compassion and Service...

I saw the Truth for what it day... I simply wish I'm given the chance to work for the Light and not for the wrong master.
Love is a strange encompasses everything even the negative forces that tries to spread darkness and chaos around the world.
There are those who have been doing the work quietly, allowing the Light to simply touch any human being they encounter
And give hope that all is not lost - there's a better option than what all of us are led to believe. I've been trying to transition into the self-sustaining path where I can see myself
enjoying the crops that I've planted and having a simple life with a little shop to trade goods with my neighbours. No one said all of us have to be artists, one could be a wine-maker trading his wine for some vegetables or chicken from his neighbour. Waste not - want  not...I can see a better earth greener and more beautiful if only everyone can see the vision themselves...without greed and power abusing the land.

Need to get some rest...take care of yourself and don't worry about me...catching some zzzz
Smile, it's not the end of the world...maybe tonight i'll be able to do some work on my book - it will give me much comfort while I await my dog's return.


++++++++++++++++ Love is inside - no need to look for it elsewhere...++++++++ namashte, everyone!!!
fiNIS  1:16 aM  sEPT 21/2010

Saturday, September 18, 2010

All That Makes Us Human -- Soul Keens

The ability to feel different emotions
Such as happiness, sadness, joy, elation
It makes us human to feel courage, fear

Vibrations that come from the heart
And takes it's form in a happy dance or concerto

Music is vibration...and if you listen
You'd be surprised what you can create
If you let it guide you...

*** First image: Tanya was a pencil sketch I had created years ago approx. June94. At times I would just let my hand do the work and see what it can do. 
Second image: A study sketch for one of the characters for the book Alamat I'm currently writing. It didn't take me long to create her...after all I grew up in a land full of magic and myth...


Friday, September 10, 2010

Deadcat8843 SCRY 17-Mar-2010


Art is a part of me, and I'm a part of it. 
One cannot be whole without the other.
How I live my life and choose to shape who I am 
I can create something out of nothing.
It doesn't matter the medium that we choose
It's that untapped energy I feel  inside struggling to come out.

To take its shape and form
In a song, a dance, an ode, a symphony, an aria
What matters is capturing that moment
That image in your head
With as much clarity and honesty as you can.

Trying to transpose that idea, a feeling, a message,
Into something tangible
The pleasure of sharing that particular moment
With an audience.

At times, we share it with others,
Sometimes, we choose to lock them away
And simply flag them as hobbies
But balancing is everything -
A personal decision on the part of the artist
How he wishes to apply his skill or ability.

At times, I ask myself that question, what does it mean to me
and why does my life revolve around it?
The answer simply is, it is my calling.
When I'm not around it, creating it
Denying myself any sort of artistic expression
Feels like dying.

Life support is being taken away.
The world is dreary, and drab,
So dark and gloomy.
It's like taking the sun away
Our universe in complete darkness...


The Storyteller's Message:

Life has its ebbs and tides, and during the time that I was away from it, I study and observe the world with its daily grind. Try and learn as much from the lessons that life throws your way. Broaden your  horizons and open the mind, it  unlocks the key to  knowledge and wisdom, it will provide you the sign posts where the impossible becomes possible. The only thing you need to have is the courage to give yourself a chance.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Conversations with Deadcat

The Storyteller was away for a while but came by for a visit bearing gifts to hang up on my gallery.

She finally decided to share her book called Encyclopaedia Donnabella, I've been bothering her to show me for years and years. It took a lot of convincing but at last, after so many years of waiting and waiting, she finally relented.

- Boy,  she's really starting to step it up a notch. I've never seen her this "focused". Talk about not allowing anyone to get in the way of her projects, dreams and goals.


Canada (Portrait of a Lady) by: Donna Cabanas

KEEPING STOCK -  Doodles and old artworks need not be thrown out. Take for example the above, a little touch-up  and "voila!" - a simple pencil sketch that looks great on jpeg. on a straightforward  B&W background.
Highly recommend Photoshop to all - it's a wonderful program and worth every penny having these handy especially for doing post edit work.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Bloated Ankheg

Blending different types - regular crayons, coloured pencils, ballpoint black pen and markers. 
No fine lines here! Just studying the color blending and natural forms....and yes, you are right, this is another D&D creature. I found the book very interesting, to this day, I still have not finished reading the entire hardbound book. 
---- I've observed other students/artist inside the Royal Ontario Museum (otherwise known as The ROM to most Torontonians), sketching away and doing the same thing. 

Piece of FRINGE tidbit, Massive Dynamics headquarters was shot at The ROM. I recognized the front facade right away and the interior of Nina's office is a part of the new addition.

****Hmmm....add to my wish list this year, renew my membership, been a while since I've gone down for a visit.****

Unintended Abstractions

Learning curves...obviously was not paying attention to my exposures, this originally came out under-exposed. The sketch was of an Arakocra, a D&D creature that I had tried to sketch using simple pencil and crayons that you would buy at a local convenience/dollar store. 
There are days when I would just sit and doodle to see what I come up with. I chanced on one of these D&D books lying around that had creatures from A to Z. 
For fun, I decided to diverge away from human faces and concentrate more on natural-looking creatures. Needed practice with the wrist make the long story short, I decided to fool around in the post-edit prior to loading on blog. 
This is what came out:

Of Lines and Perspective

Pencil and Charcoal  - I attempted to sketch this portion on a Rodney Matthews book, practicing on lines and perspectives. It took 6-8 hours after I was satisfied that my study session is passable. The original photo that I took was a bit dark so I had to brighten the image as some of the details were missing.  

Kenpachi - Homage

Zaraki Kenpachi - one of the characters in "BLEACH". Highly suggest and recommend it if you're into anime and comic books. Awesome characters and intricate plots. Beautiful lines and each have their own uniqueness -  have a lot of respect for the artists that created them.

This time I used the usual Stabilo finepoint coloured pens then acrylic paint on beige-coloured cartolina just to see what effect it would give the type of paper I'm using, once it dries.

Needless to say, this is the end result. I was trying to bring out his rough personality through the expression on his face.

Hope I did his character justice, what  do you think? DC

Blue Kimono

Oil Pastel on Paper - Started out as a pencil sketch and decided to experiment with this nice blue shade. Used a simple technical pencil that takes 0.5 refills and art eraser to spread out the colours. Camera exposure not that great - conditions are indoor, low light and had to mount DSLR on a tripod. Shaky hands will produce blurred picture obviously....hahaha.....DC

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Leonardo's Angels

                   A portion of the site dedicated to my ancestral lines and heritage. 

                              In memory of: Preciosa Arroyo, Leonardo Arroyo 
                                          and my Mother Norma Arroyo-Cabanas

Photo: Donna Cabanas

We are a part of you ... the chain will never be broken....
Only strengthened by your light eternal 
May you continue to protect and watch over us
And bless the earth continually....
We need your protection now more than ever...
O Great Spirits that once walked the earth
You gave shelter and peace
And protected anyone that needed help....

As the Mighty Eagle spreads his wings high into the sky,
The She-wolf howls to celebrate 
Raven looks on silently
As He bids Spider Woman
To once again weave the Web of Life...

As above so below
Your Children will remain faithful
To our songs and traditions
Of love, brotherhood, and compassion
So that one day
We will finally become
One Tribe
All connected through 
The Web of Life

Written by: Donnabelle Grace Arroyo Cabanas
I remain your humble servant and keeper of the Light

One Tree Hill (Tree 2 - DCabanas)

Friday, August 20, 2010

Whisper of Trees

DEADCAT'S POET SOCIETY I take each step, I hear the echoes. Like a pebble dropping in still water...the ripples echoes of a different time... the wind whispers softly to one with me and everything that is...
 ... I looked up into the sky, Mr. Sun is shining down on me, bathed in his warmth....I close my eyes....and turn my face towards him for a sun kiss. 

Click,click...this is the image that I see when we open up our hearts and just BE....
- Deadcat's  Poet Society

Encyclopaedia Donabella
Tree5 - Photo by D. Cabanas

Deadcat's Gallery

Kingdom Plantaea - Design Study for Book Project I'm working on.    

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


"Life is not all about society...what are we doing to protect this?

Location: Riverdale Farm, Toronto Ontario.

Photo by: Donna Cabanas
Encyclopaedia Donnabella - Yellowflower (Photo by: Donna Cabanas)
                 Welcome to my Garden   
                        (Photo by: Donna Cabanas)

".....and perhaps in my own way, I can help mankind have a better understanding of the meaning of compassion, love, happiness and brotherhood. " - Donna Cabanas

Trees (Photo by: Donna Cabanas)
At times when I look above... it makes me realize how tiny we really are... above so below...a phrase that came to mind as I looked down and saw a reflection of the universe upon a little pool of water.
Catch A Universe (Photo by: Donna Cabanas)

 Red Flower Series ( Photo by : Donna Cabanas)
Riverdale - Favourite haunt
 Red Flower Series  (Photo by: Donna Cabanas)
 Red Flower Series
Riverdale Park Curio (Photo by: Donna Cabanas)
 Alfrescodeflores (Photo by: Donna Cabanas)
The Road Less Travelled   

Red Flower Series (Photo by: Donna Cabanas)

Riverdale Horse  (Photo: D. G. Cabanas)